Hope Davis snuck in over her much deserved co-star Allison Pill, and while I like Davis as an actress normally, I found her role in In Treatment to be kind of annoying, and I think if anyone gets it from In Treatment, it will be Dianne Wiest.
Sandra Oh is so overdue in this category, it's disgusting. However, this year I think she gets lost in the shuffle. She submitted well, and there is definitely a possibility, but unfortunately, I think she will have to wait again.
A lot of people are predicting Rose Byrne, and I can see why. In terms of episode submission, Byrne had the best tape of them all. However, in Damages, she really takes a backburner to the great Glenn Close, but she is definitely a possibility.
In my opinion it comes down to two. Most people are predicting Dianne Wiest to repeat, and they are most likely right. She really chews through her scenery with Gabriel Bryne.
However, the crazy person that I am, I am going to go out on a limb, and say that Chandra Wilson finally gets the recognition that she deserves. Go with me for a moment. She is super popular within the Academy this year (two nominations, scheduled presenter, announced nominees). With all this love, she must have a strong fan base. Another point: the last two season's of Grey's Anatomy have been a little rocky (lots of high moments, but a lot of low ones as well). Through all of that the one acting constant, the rock is the incredible Chandra Wilson. Plus, her new personal and work-related struggles in the story this year, gave her a little more range than in years past.

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